In (paren)theses
4 August 2003
As some/many of you will/may know/suspect, I am currently writing up a PhD in Roman Verse Satire. A PhD (or DPhil at Oxford) has an upper limit of 100,000 words. This allows the doctoral candidate to be as rambling as they please, cramming c.300 A4 pages with tautological repetitions, redundancies, excessive verbiage and versifying, not to mention (which I now have) tangential ideas from left-field which are dropped mid-flow, never to be retrieved. Doubtless this all sounds a world away from your idea of a PhD as presenting a piece of mind-blowingly original thought in a manner both arresting and accessible. How wrong you are. 100,000 words allows for the inevitable and recurrent - even constant - reiteration of concessions and qualifications which allow me to hedge my bets, and render my thesis so tentative as to all but nullify its impact entirely. I would like to be able to tell you conclusively that Juvenal, the 2nd-century verse satirist, epicizes satiric comment and content in order to amplify the horror of life at Rome. Instead, the conclusion of almost four years' research is likely itself to conclude that the speaker of any of Juvenal's Satires (whoever that may be - and there is no compelling evidence that we should necessarily look for a persona consistent throughout all sixteen poems) has appeal to epic resonance for a number of different reasons and with a variety of effects, one of which is to present life at Rome as intolerable in an expansive manner not unlike that of indignant epic poets of the Silver Age. Punchy, no? You still here? Thought so. All over the world people like me who can reasonably be judged to be experts in their very small corners of their chosen fields feel bound to equivocate, tone down, beat about the bush...because they want to pass. And that depends not so much on the quality of your contribution as on whom you choose not to upset. Why stick your neck out when you run the risk of offending someone who has the power to slate your most recent journal article, provide a damning review of your book, or leave you off a shortlist? Enough of the politics. I'm much more interested in the (possible) effect(s) of this trend for prevarication. Some of you may have noticed already. One of the most (pre-)eminent scholars in the study of Roman Literature is in/famous for his ab/use of (double) brackets, slashes and hyphens to combine and condense distinct - even diametrically opposed - words and ideas. By way of illustration, when discussing gender issues he will often refer to (wo)men; he also enjoys removing letters from (and/or adding letters to) words so that they spell out his ideas. The sad consequence is that although he is by far the most respected mind on the subject his writing is regarded as the least penetrable (even less than mine). And I'm sure that's not how it should be. This is, of course, a forward movement discernible elsewhere in modern society. Even the most mundane and least theoretical of regulations now stipulate that "s/he" will wear the correct non-marking footwear in the sports hall, will not stand forward of this notice or talk to the driver whilst the vehicle is in motion, will not wear skirts above the knee. But in the realm of ideas it seems to me to constitute little short of intellectual suicide. More than ever before the train of thought has been stifled by words, playing out in the most pedestrian fashion conceivable Derrida's notion of diffèrence - our failure to grasp the true nature of an idea due to an inexorable deferral through language. So, what am I going to do about it? Will I lay my academic life on the line in an attempt at clear thinking and straight talking? Or will I continue to toe the line, equivocate, obfuscate? I can categorically assert (with some reservations and conditions) that I will/may think about it.
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